Today, pray that Hannah and Sarah keep up their endurance as they are making their way to the half way mark! May they be kept in health, spiritual strength, and safety through this journey!

Here's an update from Hannah!

Blog Thoughts – 2.16.09

“I love you…SO, so much.” These are the words we hear every day. Words that are always accompanied by a hug or kiss on the cheek. The girls here at House of Grace may not have many possessions of their own, but they are abundantly rich in one thing: love. And the more they give it away, the more capacity for love they seem to contain. Everything about their lives evidences the power of God’s love. Their exuberant love for each other. Sisterly affection. Adoring love for the amazing staff who care for them day in and day out. Patient love. Unrestrained love for two strangers who walked into their lives a short week and a half ago.

We did not expect to be the recipients of such love. We came prepared to reflect the love of Christ to these precious girls. Instead, we find ourselves learning and relearning about love, as Christ's love is reflected to us. We find our hearts expanding to love more fully and more completely as a result of the love poured onto to us from these girls.

What is the source? These girls have been trampled and rejected and abandoned, and have every reason to want to harden themselves. Many have been emotionally crushed by those closest to them-- their own families. Most were raised with no perception of personal value. Yet they willingly make themselves vulnerable, and pour out their love upon others.

We can find only one explanation: the amazing grace of God. Somehow, someway, these girls have found the ability to entrust their hearts to God, to allow Him to restore them, and to open them up to new life and new love.

They share Christ’s love, not their own. Every moment. Love is not something they force. The dictionary definition of love is “an intense feeling of deep affection; a deep attachment to someone.” The love that the girls exhibit here goes far beyond this. They have tapped into something deeper than human love. They access Christ’s love, fully and abundantly. Because they live in Christ’s love.

“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and be so pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”
Philippians 1:9-11

Their love is not given out of ignorance. They bear the scars that remind them of their hurt. But they choose to love anyway, with nothing held back. It is a pure love that they give, straight from the heart of God… and it is indeed bringing glory and praise to Him. Listen to the voice clip. It’s a recording of some of the girls in worship. Hear it and know that God is still performing miracles. Never again doubt the power of His healing grace. And claim it for yourself.

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